6 Wet Shaving Tips

6 Wet Shaving Tips

Whether you’re new to wet shaving or a devoted enthusiast, there’s always more you can learn about the art of wet shaving.  Today, we’re sharing six wet shaving tips to help you get a close, smooth shave every time.


1. Shave right after you shower.

A warm shower helps to soften your beard hairs and open up any pores on your skin. This allows for smooth, easy shaving because your hairs are up to 80% softer. When your hair is softer, it lets your razor cut through your hair more easily leading to a closer shave every time.


2. Prep your Face

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – prep is KEY for a good shave.  You already know to start after a shower which is a great first step.  Next, try adding Pre-Shave oil before you shave – it has many benefits and is an easy way to get a closer shave each time.

If you are shaving off a full beard, try trimming it with scissors or electric clippers first so you’re working your razor through shorter hairs.


3. Watch your water temperature.

The temperature (and hardness) of your water can impact your shave in more ways than you think. Knightsbridge Shaving Cream works best with warm water, but other shaving cream or soap may preform better with different temperatures. When you’re trying a new product, start with room temperature water and gradually increase the temperature until you find what works best for that product.

 Be careful when you’re shaving away from home too, as the water may be different than what you’re used to. Hard water can affect your lather, so you may have to alter your routine a bit if you’re away from home. 


4. Use your brush carefully

When you’re gentle with your brush, it will help keep your brush lasting longer. Don’t force your brush onto your face, apply your cream in gentle circular motions to evenly distribute your shaving cream.  If you’re new to using a shaving brush and don’t know where to start, grab one of our Shaving Cream & Brush sets which includes a quality Simpsons Special Shaving brush (made with pure badger hair) with your choice of Knightsbridge Shaving Cream.  

Want to know more? We have a full tutorial on our blog that goes over the full steps of how to shave with a shaving brush.


5. Experience True Luxury with Every Shave.

Don’t treat your shave like a chore you’re rushing to complete while you multi-task with 3 other things to do.  Take your time and enjoy your shave – turn on your favorite music and take in the scent of your pre-shave oil and shaving cream while you shave. This small act of self care can go a long way to improve your mood when you take the time to relax and enjoy the process.

Carving out time to focus on your shave also helps to cut down on distractions, which helps to prevent any slip-ups that could cause you to accidentally cut your skin or miss sections of hair.


6. Rinse your face with cold water.

When you’re finished shaving, the pores on your face are much more open and easily susceptible to clogging.  Soak a washcloth in cold water and apply to your face – it may feel shocking at first, but it will help to keep your pores clean and closed. Gently pat your face dry when finished, as wiping your face can cause irritation.


What are your best tips for getting a close shave? 



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